CHESS presented at 'Museums in Motion' 2015
The CHESS project was presented by Dr Maria Roussou at 'Museums in Motion', an international symposium that took place on July 3rd and 4th, 2015 in the city of Volos, Greece.
The CHESS project was presented by Dr Maria Roussou at 'Museums in Motion', an international symposium that took place on July 3rd and 4th, 2015 in the city of Volos, Greece.
The CHESS project's extensive participatory design work with users (e.g., museum professionals) was presented on April 9th by Dr Maria Roussou to a large audience at Museums and the Web 2015. The full paper 'The museum as digital storyteller: Collaborative participatory creation of interactive digital experiences' is accessible at:
A great article by Museum Hack about this paper is here:
The CHESS project was featured as one of the central projects of the 2-day eCult Ambassadors Winter Stage, held at the Acropolis Museum in Athens on December 8th & 9th, 2014.
Dr. Akrivi Katifori and Mr. Vassilis Kourtis of the University of Athens, along with museum staff from the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam, used CHESS to design and develop a mobile visitor experience as part of the eCult Value project's Living Labs initiative. The experience was deployed and evaluated at the Stedelijk Museum in November 2014.
The CHESS project travelled to Singapore in early November to participate in the 7th International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (ICIDS 2014), the premier international conference on interactive digital storytelling.
The University of Athens' researchers Dr. Akrivi Katifori, Ms. Maria Vayanou, and Mr. Vassilis Kourtis gave a demonstration of CHESS, and presented a full paper titled "Authoring Personalized Interactive Museum Stories".
Photos from the demo and paper abstract can be found in the Photo Gallery and Scientific Papers sections respectively.
Ms. Maria Vayanou, doctoral candidate at the University of Athens and main designer of the CHESS Storytelling Engine, presented the paper "The Impact of Interactive Digital Storytelling in Cultural Heritage Sites" at the International Digital Storytelling in Times of Crisis - DST 2014 conference.
The conference took place in Athens, Greece on May 08-10, 2014 and video of the presentation can be viewed online at