VAMCT 2013: Virtual Archaeology, Museums & Cultural Tourism Workshop

Amidst the breathtaking setting of the European Cultural Centre of Delphi in Greece, where the Virtual Archaeology: Museums & Cultural Tourism (VAMCT 2013) Workshop was held, Maria Roussou of the University of Athens delivered an invited keynote speech on the CHESS project. The Workshop was a three day event, held on September 25-28 2013, which attracted more than 60 scholars from all over the world.

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  • 141112 CHESS Stedelijk 14.55 640x322
  • CHESS EC-Commissioner-at-AM 640x322
  • 131013 CHESS CITE Eval highlight 640x322
  • 130923 CHESS UGWkp3 synthesis
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  • See the CHESS video to learn about the CHESS project in less than 2 minutes!
  • The CHESS Authoring Tool (CAT) based on DIGINEXT's INSCAPE authoring platform
  • CHESS Augmented Reality at the Acropolis Museum
  • CHESS experience visitor evaluation at the Stedelijk Museum, 12.11.2014
  • EU Commissioner Máire Geoghegan-Quinn experiencing CHESS at the Acropolis Museum
  • Evaluation with school group at the Cité de l'espace, 16.10.2013
  • Creative CHESS story authoring at the Acropolis Museum, 23.09.2013
  • Usability and UX evaluation at the Acropolis Museum, 17-18.12.2012
  • Usability and UX evaluation at the Cité de l'espace, 27-28.10.2012
  • 2nd User Group Workshop, Ecsite conference, 30.05.2012
  • CHESS experience walkthrough at the Cité de l'espace, 15.03.2012
  • Bodystorming session at the Acropolis Museum, 15.12.2011
  • 3D scanning at the Acropolis Museum, 05.12.2011

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